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  or 307-766-2913 by noon on March 7, 2025 if you have concerns.

David Bunker, Operations Manager & Director of Fancy Words at Joe’s Produce, Standing in Papa Joe's Hydroponic Produce Greenhouse - Profile Image

Adam Bunker

Operations Manager & Director of Fancy Words

Adam joined Papa Joe’s Produce in 2019 with no experience in plants. Since then, they have grown Papa Joe’s from a small hobby greenhouse to one of the leading year-round regional lettuce producers, with a focus on hydroponic growing.

Papa Joe’s now operates three greenhouses with a team of more than 10 employees and regular volunteers. He loves working with his team to develop innovative solutions to greenhouse production in Wyoming.

He is a strong proponent of local foods, and has served as the President of the Wyoming Food Coalition since 2020. Adam lives in Sheridan with his wife and three children.

My areas of focus

My conference sessions

Projects that I work on


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