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  or 307-766-2913 by noon on March 7, 2025 if you have concerns.

Ami Erickson, Horticulture and Life Sciences Instructor at Sheridan College, Standing in Front of Bush Wearing Purple Hat and Blue Flannel Shirt - Profile Picture

Ami Erickson

Instructor, Horticulture and Life Sciences, Sheridan College, Sheridan WY

Ami Erickson teaches horticulture, plant sciences, and biology at Sheridan College. She is passionate about horticulture, teaching, and science. She earned a Ph.D. in Horticultural Science from the University of Minnesota. She has collaborated with the University of Wyoming on various projects, including season extension using high and low tunnels for vegetable production and the UW grapevine variety trial. 

My areas of focus

My conference sessions

Projects that I work on



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