Thursday, January 20th
10:00am – 3:00pm
Park County Fairgrounds – Homesteader Hall
Dr. Bart Stevens, Sidney Montana USDA ARS Station
Don Steinbeiser, Montana Farmer
10a.m – Center Pivot Pitfalls to Avoid, Don Steinbeisser
11a.m. – Are Soil Moisture Sensors Worth It?, Don Steinbeisser
1p.m. – Fertilizers for Alkaline Soils, Dr. Bart Stevens
2p.m. – Grid Sampling and Precision Fertility Management, Dr. Bart Stevens
Booth Information for Vendors:
-No cost
-Booth space: 8′ table with two chairs
-No internet or electricity provided
Sponsor information:
Any sponsorship collected will go towards paying speaker fees and travel, food and beverages at the event, and funding for next year’s efforts. Sponsors will be highlighted at the event with signs and during presentations.
For questions, please call:
307-754-8836 (UW Park County Extension office – Powell)
307-527-8560 (UW Park County Extension office – Cody)
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