DATE: Wednesday, May 18th
LOCATION: Park County Complex – 1501 Stampede Ave, Suite 2070, Cody
LEVEL I: 4:30pm – 5:15pm
LEVEL II: 5:30pm – 6:15pm
LEVEL III: 6:30pm – 7:15pm
Not sure which level you need? See “How often do I need quality assurance?” below.
What is quality assurance?
Youth Quality Assurance (YQA) teaches youth how to give the best care for their livestock in order to produce a high quality product for consumers. This is learned through understanding the importance proper nutrition, housing, identification, handling, carcass quality, health care, withdrawal times, and record keeping. All youth planning to sell a market project must complete YQA each year. Below is a list of dates for all nutrition and YQA classes that will be offered this year. *This is NOT a Junior Livestock Sale Committee requirement.*
How do I meet my requirements?
-Take one of the many classes offered.
-Come to a livestock nutrition and/or selection workshop
-Participate in a state wide zoom about livestock. Please check with us to make sure it meets the requirements.
-Take a test about quality assurance.
-Take an online course at
If members have gone through Pork check Off (PQA) or have completed the Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) or have another quality assurance certification, that will meet your requirements. If you choose to take another quality assurance course, please send us a copy of your certificate.
How often do I need quality assurance?
Members are required to take quality assurance at each age level. The first year you show a market animal take level 1. Then when you are an intermediate take level 2. When you are a senior take level 3. If you start as a senior, take one level a year until complete. If you are unsure which levels you have completed, or if you need quality assurance, please contact our office. In general, the following rules apply:
Level I: Junior (ages 8-10 or 3rd-5th graders)
Level II: Intermediate (ages 11-13 or 6th-8th graders)
Level III: Senior (ages 14-18 or 9th-12th graders)
Option to test
If you would prefer to test out of YQA, an age and species appropriate test may be taken at either extension office. Youth must score an 80% or higher, and can retake the test (on a different day) as many times as they would like. Members scoring 100% (on the senior level test) will no longer need to complete YQA in future years. Junior and intermediates scoring 100% will not need to complete YQA again until they reach a new age level. Contact one of our offices to request a study guide.
Powell office: 307-754-8836
Cody Office: 307-527-8560