Ag Water Conservation/Management

This focus area is designed to empower agricultural water users and managers to maximize efficiency of water use, conserve irrigation water, and minimize adverse impacts of irrigation and other water management practices to the environment. In addition, it enhances capacity of agricultural consultants, technical service providers, educators, policy-makers, and other professionals to advise, mentor, and educate water users regarding best management practices applicable to agricultural water conservation.

Agricultural Water


Continuing Education Study Materials for Certified Crop Advisors
Water availability for irrigation in the Western United States is often limited, and in many cases, declining. Below-average snow pack, drought, interstate conflicts, ground water pumping restrictions, and declining ground water from non-renewable aquifers have all contributed to declining water supplies for irrigation. These water shortages have been occurring in many western U.S. irrigated watersheds and ground water basins to some degree for the past several years. Combined with water transfers from agriculture to municipal and industrial uses and increasing recreational and environmental demands for water, the relevance of irrigation management with limited water supplies has greatly increased.

In response to these growing demands on available water and the necessity of focusing on agricultural water use and conservation today and in the future, the NPM Regional Water Program partners has developed a series of training modules for Certified Crop Advisers (CCA) and other agricultural management professionals, intended to build upon concepts and suggestions for limited-irrigation management, provide updates on research projects relevant to the topic of limited water irrigation, and suggest further resources and techniques for managing irrigated cropping systems under tighter water supplies.

CCAs wishing to study the content of these modules and apply for certification renewal credits should access the modules and quiz questions through the CCA web page of the American Society of Agronomy’s web page.


Animal Waste & Livestock