Ag Water Conservation/Management
This focus area is designed to empower agricultural water users and managers to maximize efficiency of water use, conserve irrigation water, and minimize adverse impacts of irrigation and other water management practices to the environment. In addition, it enhances capacity of agricultural consultants, technical service providers, educators, policy-makers, and other professionals to advise, mentor, and educate water users regarding best management practices applicable to agricultural water conservation.
Reliable information on the subject is often not readily available to water users, especially outside of the academic and government communities. The USDA-NIFA Northern Plains and Mountains Region Water Team (NPM) has addressed the need for increased knowledge, understanding and adoption of agricultural water conservation through an innovative web-based project. The Agricultural Water Conservation Clearinghouse (AWCC) seeks to join communities of practice to collaboratively address the complex issues of agricultural water use. Social media resources help to develop connections among community members and with the AWCC.
The AWCC is designed as a comprehensive resource for the latest news, research, literature and tools related to agricultural water conservation. The focal point of the AWCC is a library that contains published materials and is also populated by contributions from Extension specialists, research scientists, and educators, providing a refined bibliographic review of agriculture water conservation grey literature. The library and database encompass refereed journal articles, books, reports, theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, and contains over 3,600 entries. The library has been searched by over 14,600 users since it was unveiled in 2008 and participation continues to grow. Building the AWCC through partnerships, the NPM team has formed relationships with several irrigation and water-related organizations. These partnerships have increased access to proceedings and reports published through these organizations. Until recently, much of this literature has only been available in hard copy and was not available from traditional library or web sources.
- Ag Water Conservation Clearinghouse
- Ag Water Conservation White Paper (Colorado Agriculture Water Alliance)
- Attitudes Toward Agricultural Water Use in the West
- Irrigating With Limited Water Supplies
- Assessment of Irrigation Water Management and Demonstration of Irrigation Scheduling Tools
(Part I) (CSU/AES Technical Report 01-6) - Assessment of Irrigation Water Management and Demonstration of Irrigation Scheduling Tools
(Part II) (CSU/AES Technical Report 01-7) - Best Management Practices for Irrigation Management (CSU fact sheet XCM-173)
- Crop Water Use and Growth Stages (CSU fact sheet 4.715)
- Diffuse Sources of Nitrogen Related to Water Quality Protection in the Northern Great Plains
(NDSU fact sheet – ER 62) - Estimating Soil Moisture (CSU fact sheet 4.700)
- Growing Guidelines for Using Conservation Tillage Under Furrow Irrigation (CSU/AES Technical Report 02-6)
- Impact of Irrigation Efficiency Improvements on Water Availability in the South Platte River Basin Part I (CWRRI TR-13)
- Impact of Irrigation Efficiency Improvements on Water Availability in the South Platte River Basin Part II (CWRRI TR-13)
- Impact of Irrigation Efficiency Improvements on Water Availability in the South Platte River Basin Part III (CWRRI TR-13)
- Impact of Irrigation Efficiency Improvements on Water Availability in the South Platte River Basin Part IV (CWRRI TR-13)
- Impact of Irrigation Efficiency Improvements on Water Availability in the South Platte River Basin Part V (CWRRI TR-13)
- Improving Efficiency in Agricultural Water Use (CWRRI CR-08)
- Irrigation Management in Colorado: Survey Data and Findings (CSU/AES Technical Report)
- Irrigation Power Unit Selection (NDSU fact sheet – AE 88)
- Irrigation Pumping Plant Efficiency (CSU fact sheet 4.712)
- Irrigation Scheduling (CSU fact sheet 4.708)
- Irrigation Scheduling by the Checkbook Method (NDSU fact sheet – AE 792)
- Irrigation Scheduling: The Water Balance Approach (CSU fact sheet 4.707)
- Irrigation Water Quality Criteria (CSU fact sheet 0.506)
- Microirrigation for Orchard and Row Crops (CSU fact sheet 4.703)
- Modules Designed to Efficiently Allocate Irrigation Water Use Based on Crop Response to
Soil Moisture Stress Part I (CWRRI TR-08) - Modules Designed to Efficiently Allocate Irrigation Water Use Based on Crop Response to
Soil Moisture Stress Part II (CWRRI TR-08) - Modules Designed to Efficiently Allocate Irrigation Water Use Based on Crop Response to
Soil Moisture Stress Part III (CWRRI TR-08) - Nitrogen and Irrigation Management (CSU fact sheet 0.514)
- Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation Wells (NDSU fact sheet – AE 97)
- Subsurface Drip (SDI) (CSU fact sheet 4.716)
- The Role of Tributary Ground Water in Irrigated Crop Production in the South Platte Basin
In response to these growing demands on available water and the necessity of focusing on agricultural water use and conservation today and in the future, the NPM Regional Water Program partners has developed a series of training modules for Certified Crop Advisers (CCA) and other agricultural management professionals, intended to build upon concepts and suggestions for limited-irrigation management, provide updates on research projects relevant to the topic of limited water irrigation, and suggest further resources and techniques for managing irrigated cropping systems under tighter water supplies.
CCAs wishing to study the content of these modules and apply for certification renewal credits should access the modules and quiz questions through the CCA web page of the American Society of Agronomy’s web page.
- Continuing Education Study Materials for Certified Crop Advisors
- Guide to Choosing Crops Well-Suited to Limited Irrigation
- Principles and Practices for Irrigation Management with Limited Water
- Assessing the Suitability of Water (Quality) for Irrigation – Salinity and Sodium
- Limited Irrigation of Alfalfa in the Great Plains and Intermountain West
- CSU Extension Small Acreage Program
- Big Sky Small Acres (MSU Extension)
- Small Acreage Landowner (MSU Extension)
- Small Acreage Landowner Teaching Materials (MSU Extension)
- Household Water Resources (MSU Extension)
- Taking Care of yOur Ground Water DVD series: A homeowners guide to well and septic systems
- Information and Guidelines for Your Water Well: Water Well Records
- Information and Guidelines for Your Septic System: Septic System Records
- Livestock Environment and AFO Stewardship (MSU Extension)
- Interpretation of Water Analysis for Livestock Suitability (SDSU Publication C274)
- Designing a Low Water Use Landscape (USU fact sheet)
- Efficient Irrigation of Trees and Shrubs (USU fact sheet)
- Garden Water Use in Utah (USU fact sheet)
- Graywater Reuse and Rainwater Harvesting (CSU fact sheet 6.702)
- Growing Turf on Salt Affected Sites (USU fact sheet)
- Irrigating With Limited Water Supplies
- Living With Landscape Irrigation Restrictions (USU fact sheet)
- Rainwater Harvesting Systems for Montana (MSU Extension)
- Renovate Your Lawn After a Long, Hot Summer (USU fact sheet)
- Trickle Irrigation for Home Gardens (NDSU fact sheet – AE 889)
- Turfgrass Water Use in Utah (USU fact sheet)
- Utah’s Division of Water Resources Conservation Website
- Water-Wise Landscaping (USU fact sheet)
- Water-Wise Landscaping (USU Guide)
- Water-Wise Landscaping: Monitoring Irrigation With Probes (USU fact sheet)