Gooseberry Globemallow in the Landscape

Diane Jones, Draggin' Wing Farm, Water-thrifty Plants for Idaho
Scientfic Name: Sphaeralcea grossulariifoliaCommon Name: Gooseberry Globemallow
Description: Red-orange flowers bloom in spring & summer. Brilliant orange flowers adorn this plant in the early summer. Grows naturally in hot and dry locations. Avoid over-watering.
Native Habitat: Valleys to foothills in dry open sites throughout the western Intermountain region, 4,000-7,000'.
Cultural Requirement
Soil: For best flowering grow in lean, dry soils. Tolerant of alkaline soils.
Moisture Tolerance: Very xeric.
Sun/Shade/Preference: Full sun.
Transplanting: Easy.
Propagation: Seed.
Maintenance (pruning, fertilization, deadheading, division, irrigation, etc): Remove spent flowering stalks after to bloom to encourage re-bloom.
Insect, disease, or other problems: None of concern.
Landscape Value
Use in the Landscape: Valuable for profuse display of bloom in early summer, especially in very arid locations.
Foliage: Deeply cut gray-green leaves.
Flower: Orange flowers resemble miniature hollyhocks arrayed along tall stems.
Color: Orange.
Form: Loose mound of flowering stalks over woody base.
Texture: Open, loose.
Ultimate Size: 3' x 3'
Rate of Growth: Moderate to rapid.
Suggested Plant Partners: Winterfat, Sagebrush, Rabbitbrush, Woolly Sunflower Availability - Available at specialty nurseries.
Availability: Available at specialty nurseries.
Cultivars: None.