Physical Activity

woman stretching on walkway

While making healthy food and beverage choices is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, physical activity is just as important. Physical activity is any movement besides that needed for daily activities. 

Being physically active has long-term health benefits and can decrease the chances of developing chronic diseases for people of all ages, races, sizes, and abilities. Like making healthy choices, being physically active starts with small steps that end up having a big impact. 

10 Tips For a Being an Active Adult

Start activities slowly and build up over time

Begin with short activities a few times a week and build up from there. After a few weeks, you can increase how often and how long you are active. It is recommended to be active at least 3 days a week for health benefits.

Move more and sit less

Physical activity helps decrease the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and other diseases. Any amount of movement is beneficial. Try a walking break once or twice a day or during lunch, use the bathroom furthest from your office, or take the long way walking into work or the store.

Get your heart pumping

There are different levels and kinds of physical activity. Aerobic activities (walking, running, etc.) get your heart pumping. Doing activities that require a moderate to vigorous effort have the most benefit.

Break up activities

Busy schedules can make being active for 30 minutes at a time difficult. Instead, break up activity into smaller amounts of time throughout the day.

Strength-train for healthy muscles and bones

Just as it is a good idea to get your heart pumping, it is a good idea to do activities that strengthen your muscles and bones.

Use the buddy system

If you have trouble staying motivated to be active, try joining (or starting) a walking group, attending fitness classes, or meeting a friend to be active together.

Set goals and track your progress

Planning your physical activity and tracking it can help you meet your goals. Meeting your goals is also a great way to stay motivated.

Increase your effort

After you are comfortable being active at a moderate level, try increasing your activities to an intense level several times a week.

Add on to your activity time

Research shows that being active for 150 minutes a week provides substantial health benefits. The more time you are active, the more benefits you receive. Once you are used to being active regularly, aim to increase the amount of time spent being active each week.

Have fun

Choose activities that you enjoy and that fit your lifestyle. The more you enjoy being active, the more you will do it.

Types of Physical Activities & Recommendations

There are different kinds and levels of physical activity. Physical activities include stretching, muscle-strengthening (like lifting weights), and aerobic activities (like walking or running). There are two levels of aerobic activities: moderate and vigorous. Moderate level activities a less intense than vigorous, but both levels count toward your physical activity time. If you are just starting to be active, start with moderate activities a few times a week and slowly build to more vigorous activities. Moderate activities include brisk walking, slowly biking, recreational swimming, water aerobics, and tennis (doubles). Vigorous activities include running, biking quickly, swimming laps, hiking uphill, tennis (singles) and step aerobic. 

Aerobic activities should be done several times a week. Additionally, it is a good idea to do muscle strengthening activities like lifting weights, push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups at least twice a week. Children and teens (6-17 years) should do bone and muscle strengthening activities at least three times a week.

The minimum amount of physical activity you need depends on your age. You can always do more than is recommended which will add to the health benefits from being active.


150 minutes of moderate or
75 minutes vigorous activity per week

Youth (6-17 years)

60 minutes of moderate or vigorous activity per day

Children (3-5)

Participate in a variety of physical activities, totaling 3 hours per day.

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