pile of flour on black background

Dairy Free CNP Magic Mix

Dairy Free CNP Magic Mix is a mix made with soy milk powder, flour, and canola oil. This mix can be made ahead of time, stored easily, and used to make many recipes in this cookbook.
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Course Basic Recipe
$1.25 per serving
Servings 5 cups


  • 3 cups soymilk powder
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup canola oil


  • Put ingredients into bowl and mix until it looks like coarse cornmeal.
  • Refrigerate in a tightly covered container. Keeps 3 months in refrigerator.


  • Use the same amount of Dairy-Free CNP Magic Mix as CNP Magic Mix in recipes.
  • Click on the CNP Magic Mix keyword to find recipes using this mix.
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