Scrambled Eggs
Make a quick, protein-rich breakfast with eggs. Enjoy scrambled eggs on their own or add to a burrito.
$0.39 per serving
- 2 eggs
- 2 Tablespoons low-fat milk
- Salt and black pepper to tate
- 1 teaspoon canola oil or nonstick spray
- In small bowl, beat eggs, milk, and seasonings.
- In skillet or electric skillet, heat oil until just hot enough to sizzle a drop of water or coat skillet with nonstick spray and heat. Pour in egg mixture.
- As eggs begin to set, gently draw a spatula through them, forming soft curds. Continue until eggs are thick and no liquid egg remain.
- Egg Burrito: Add scrambled eggs to a warm CNP Tortilla or whole-wheat tortilla. Add shredded low-fat cheese and Homemade Salsa. Wrap.
Nutrition Label
Serving: 2 eggs
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