Reimbursement for groceries:
UW employees can purchase groceries and prepare food at a UW facility for a UW-sponsored event for the general public and/or invited guests.
Often when food is served at a UW function it is catered and it is necessary to use an authorized caterer. Food that is ordered from a restaurant or caterer for a UW-sponsored event will be reimbursed only for caterers on the authorized list. This is regardless of whether the food is delivered or if a UW employee picks it up.
- Example:
- Muffins from the grocery store that are sold for the general public do not require an authorized caterer. A Hosting form is required.
- Muffins custom ordered from a bakery requires an authorized caterer. A Hosting form is required.
- Example:
- Ordering from the menu where you eat in the restaurant does not require an authorized caterer. A Hosting Document is required for all forms of payment; personal reimbursement, p-card, or requisition.
- Ordering food from a restaurant and bringing it back to a UW event does require an authorized caterer. If the employee is using a personal vehicle, this falls under the UW Private Vehicle Use Policy. A Hosting form is required.
The steps to become an authorized caterer may take time to complete so begin several weeks prior to the event. To become an authorized caterer, a food vender must complete the following steps:
- Complete the Catering Agreement http://www.uwyo.edu/procurement/catering-information/. This agreement is designed for both on-campus and off-campus catering.
- Complete the Vendor Application Form if not an existing supplier in WyoCloud. http://www.uwyo.edu/procurement/vendor-guide/index.html
- Provide a copy of Restaurant License or Food Permit issued by the Wyoming Department of Agriculture. In some circumstances, a temporary permit issued is by the overseeing city or the appropriate authorized agency outside of the State of Wyoming.
- Provide a copy of Certificates of Insurance and original endorsements showing the amount of business coverage.
- If food is being delivered by the caterer, a copy of automobile liability insurance will also be required.
- If alcohol is being served, a copy of liquor liability insurance is required.
Benefits of being on the list of authorized caterers:
- Caterer agreements are for a set two year period which means an authorized caterer will be on the list for two years or less depending when they are approved during the designated period. UW Procurement will contact authorized caterers when their food license and insurance expire to obtain new copies. If they don’t supply these pieces of information they will be removed from the authorized caterer list. At the end of the contract term, UW Procurement will contact the current authorize caterers for renewal of the contract. It is responsibility of the caterer to submit all required documents to be put on or remain on the authorized list.
- Once a caterer is on the authorized list, all UW entities can utilize that caterer.
Other important items:
- Insurance coverages are listed in the Catering Agreement. Limits are consistent with most business insurance policies. Caterers with different insurance limits are requested to provide insurance documentation to be reviewed by UW Risk Management for possible exceptions.
- Employees transporting and/or preparing food for UW-sponsored events are encouraged to participate in safe food handling training.
- Outside entities using UW facilities should complete a Facilities Use Agreement that includes terms and conditions transferring liability to the user. Office of General Counsel can assist. No templates currently available.
- If expenses have followed these guidelines and are rejected, follow up with Procurement, Risk Management, and/or General Counsel is encouraged. Risk Management can assist with this process.
- UW employees are allowed to purchase and prepare food for both employee-only and employee and public events subject to procurement rules and your budget. Food should be prepared using UW facilities and not brought from home.
Prepared 11/26/18 by Mary Kay Wardlaw, Associate Director for UW Extension in consultation with UW Procurement, General Counsel and Risk Management.