Welcome to Fremont County

Chance Marshall
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Extension Educator

Located in Lander Office
(307) 332-2363

Jen Horton
4-H/Youth Development
Extension Educator

Located in Riverton Office
(307) 857-3654

Jolene Velarde
Cent$ible Nutrition Program Educator

Located in Riverton Office
(307) 857-3660

Rachel Fisk
Office Manager

Located in Lander Office
(307) 332-2363

Kassie Weber
Administrative Assistant

Located in Riverton Office
(307) 857-3654

Our Mission

The University of Wyoming Extension provides lifelong learning opportunities for the people of Wyoming and empowers them to make choices that enhance their quality of life.

Our Vision

The University of Wyoming Extension will be recognized and respected for providing lifelong learning opportunities for the people of Wyoming. With the land-grant university as our foundation, UWE will be the leader in outreach education throughout the state. UWE will actively involve Wyoming people, institutions, and communities as we provide learning for better living. We will be responsive to the needs, concerns, and aspirations of diverse audiences.

Our Offices

Riverton Office
County Complex
818 S. Federal Blvd, Suite 300
Riverton, WY 82501-0887
(307) 857-3654
Lander Office
450 N. 2nd Street, Suite 315
Lander, WY 82520
(307) 332-2363


Apply today for Ranch Camp 2024!


Hurry up spots are filling up and you don't want to miss this amazing educational experience!
Applications are due by March 29, 2024

Class is limited to 20 participants

Cost: $200

Full scholarships available Covers meals & lodging

Upcoming Events

February 5 & 6
Fremont County Fairgrounds
Riverton, WY

Free Lunch Included.
Call (307) 332-2363 OR (307 857-3654 for info.

Have a Question?

Fremont County Extension

Lander Office

450 N. 2nd Street, Suite 315
Lander, WY 82520
(307) 332-2363

Riverton Office

County Complex
818 S. Federal Blvd, Suite 300
Riverton, WY 82501-0887
(307) 857-3654


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