Fremont County Extension | UW

Community Vitality & Health

The University of Wyoming Extension puts research-based knowledge into the hands of people. We are credible experts and educators who provide information, education, and tools you can use every day to improve your life.

Nutrition & Food Safety

The University of Wyoming Extension Nutrition and Food Safety educators promote health and wellness through education, research, and collaboration with outreach aimed at helping you become better informed. Information and Wyoming programs about active living, healthy food, food safety, and health are just a click away.

Have a Question?

Contact Vicki Hayman!

Vicki can answer your questions about
nutrition, food preparation, food safety, canning, etc.
Read on for more information and recipes

Community Development Education

Acting as facilitators, planners, and educators, UW Extension community development team members strengthen Wyoming towns and cities through programs such as:

  • Extension Volunteer Organization for Leadership. Vitality, and Enterprise (EVOLVE) – a community-based leadership development program
  • Board training – addressing obligations and issues of serving on appointed and elected boards
  • Family Resource Management – providing sound money management programs to Wyoming families

Have a Question?

Fremont County Extension

Lander Office

450 N. 2nd Street, Suite 315
Lander, WY 82520
(307) 332-2363

Riverton Office

County Complex
818 S. Federal Blvd, Suite 300
Riverton, WY 82501-0887
(307) 857-3654


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