4-H & Youth Development

4-H Programs, the building blocks to our future!




Sign up for a new year of 4-H, enroll now at:  https://4h.zsuite.org


Please give our office a call if we can be of help at 322-3667


General Information

Project Record Keeping

Club Resources

Fair Resources

Upcoming Events


September 2: Extension Office Closed, Labor Day
September 3: Sybille Livestock Club Meeting, 6:00 pm, Agriplex or the
Extension Office
September 3: Dog Achievement Meeting, 6 pm, Fairgrounds
September 4: Fundraising Committee Meeting, 6 pm, Extension Office
September 9: Fair Recap Meeting, 6 pm, Agriplex
September 10: Roots and Boots Club Meeting, 6 pm, Extension Office
September 10: WY Volunteer Summit Registrations DUE!
September 11: Shooting Sports Leader’s Meeting, 6 pm, Extension Office
September 16: Portfolios and Completion Sheets Due to the Extension
Office, Livestock Sale Thank-Yous Due to the Extension Office
September 16: Wyoming State 4-H Leadership Team Applications DUE!
September 20, 27: Horse Bowl, Hippology, and Horse Judging Practice, 2
pm, Extension Office
September 20: Registration DUE for the Central WY Leadership Summit
September 21: Bingo Night, 4-H Building/Agriplex
September 21: SAREC Potato Harvest Service Project, 9 am, SAREC
Research Farm, Lingle, WY
September 27-29: Wyoming 4-H Volunteer Summit, Casper, WY
September 27-29: Central WY Teen Leadership Summit, Casper, WY
September 30: Shooting Sports Awards Picnic




Have a Question?

Stacy Buccholz
Stacy Buccholz

Platte County Educator
(307) 322-3667


Follow Us!