Enjoy the Ride

emilee blog

Wow… I can’t believe I’m just a month out from graduating with my bachelor’s in Animal and Veterinary Science (Pre-Veterinary and Communications options). As I sit here thinking back over the last five years, the chorus from Chris LeDoux’s song, “The Ride,” plays over in my head.

“He said ‘Sit tall in the saddle, Hold your head up high
Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky
And live like you ain’t afraid to die
And don’t be scared, just enjoy your ride’”

It hits home this morning how good this advice from a sage old cowboy truly is for both your college years and beyond.

1. Be proud of your work

Everyone is going to “do” college, and life for that matter, a little differently. That’s okay! Don’t measure your success based off of someone else. Your grade on a test, the number of job offers you receive, or even the number of friends that you have does not determine your value as a person. Work hard, put in your best effort, and hold your head up high, knowing that you are giving your best and that is enough.

2. Keep your focus ahead

We all make mistakes sometimes. Maybe it was blowing a test because you didn’t study enough (guilty). Maybe it was missing out on a once in a lifetime opportunity (also guilty). Get up, dust yourself off, and keep your eyes on the horizon. It’s hard to make any meaningful progress if we’re always looking behind us. Welcome the lessons you’ve learned and bring them with you as you keep moving and looking forward.

3. Seize every opportunity that comes your way

As I hinted at in point two, take hold of every opportunity that comes your way! It is so incredibly easy to talk ourselves out of taking advantage of each chance (I have too much homework, I’m too busy, I don’t have the money for that, etc.). It doesn’t matter, DO it anyway! While it is important, college is about so much more than classes and grades. It’s about the relationships forged, the experiences gained, and the memories made.

4. Remember to find joy in your life

College and the time after can be a little intimidating. What am I doing with my life? Where am I going? What if what I’ve always wanted to do doesn’t pan out? If this is what I’m supposed to be doing, why don’t I feel excited about it? Have faith and just keep moving forward. Remember to take time to smell the flowers and recharge. I can’t tell you how incredibly important it is to make yourself take time to do what really brings you joy. That time is not being wasted. Not only will it keep you sane and healthy, but it will also help you be more productive when you get back to the grind!

Well, I guess that’s all for now. I have to take advantage of a captive audience when I can ;). Just 25 more days of class! As this semester winds down, work hard, keep moving forward, lasso that opportunity, and always find joy!

Go Pokes!

Emilee Brinton


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