The Importance of Building Relationships

Attending college is an exciting time in any student’s life. It’s a time for new beginnings and allows people the opportunity to gain independence and find out who they are as a person. Most importantly, it creates an ideal environment for students to build and foster relationships with a wide variety of unique individuals.  


I am a firm believer in the saying “It’s not always what you know but who you know.” I can think of multiple times in my life where this saying has rung true. Being able to draw from the abundant amount of knowledge and experience that others possess is essential for success in one’s career. This is why taking advantage of opportunities in college is so important. 


Engaging with professors is an excellent way to build long-lasting connections that will benefit you for years to come. I encourage you guys to go to office hours, ask questions in class, participate in discussions, and serve as a TA. Doing so will not only help you in your classes but will also help you connect with your professor. They will be more likely to write you letters of recommendation for future schooling or careers and may even ask you to be a graduate student in their lab.  


Another easy way to build relationships is to get involved outside of the classroom. Participating in clubs (of which we have many in the CALSNR) and attending university events like the job fair are excellent ways to connect with industry leaders. Have conversations with these experts and advocate for yourself. These interactions may very well land you a career.  


Learning and broadening your knowledge are certainly important parts of college. However, the college has so much more to offer beyond this. I urge you guys to get outside of your bubble and build relationships with people who know more than you do. Doing so will likely benefit you for the rest of your life.  


Good luck! 


Todd Paisley  

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