7 Educational Lessons Learned from Running a “Tough Mudder”

Emilee - tough mudder

~Emilee Brinton

  1. Prepare, prepare, prepare.

Use your resources and do your research. While you can slide by with procrastinated work, to truly excel, you must put the effort in.

  1. Don’t be afraid to rely on your friends. We’re all in this together.

Some obstacles in life are simply too big to handle on your own. Your friends are there to celebrate successes and give you that extra boost when you’re stuck.

  1. You are capable of far more that you think you are.

The most harmful words that you can use are “I can’t”. Stretch yourself, challenge yourself, and be your greatest cheerleader.

  1. When you fall, rub some dirt (mud) in it and keep going.

Sometimes you’re going to feel like you have been kicked in the teeth. Even if you stumble, you are not defined by this. You are awesome and you will not be held down.

  1. There will be times that you will question why in the world you decided to do this. That’s okay. It will pass and you will be thankful that you did it!

There will be large hills to climb and you’re going to be weary at times. You may hit the halfway point and wonder if it’s worth it to keep going. It absolutely is. The most rewarding achievements are the ones that you have to work for.

  1. The only one you’re competing with is yourself.

It is incredibly easy to look at others and think that they have it all together. This is false. More importantly, it doesn’t matter. Do your best.

  1. The best experiences can come in intimidating packages. Take the plunge!

If it doesn’t scare you a little, then it isn’t a big enough goal! While the risk can be scary, the reward will be even greater. Bring the awesome!

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