Ag will always be essential

When I graduated high school, I was at a dinner party with friends and family to celebrate the event. A classmate’s grandfather and I began to talk, and he asked me about my plans for the future. I explained to him that I was attending the University of Wyoming to study Agriculture Business (which has changed to Animal Science). He told me, “I think that is so smart. You will always have a job because people will always need to eat.” Of course, we now know this to be undoubtedly true.

In this global pandemic, the world has come to see the workforce that keeps mankind going. Doctors, nurses, first responders, grocery store workers, and foremost in my mind farmers and ranchers are the foundation of not only our country but the world. I think people are coming to appreciate where their food comes from as they look out and see the industry still at work.

Cattle and sheep do not wait for a pandemic to calve or lamb out, or to be fed and tended to. Farmland does not wait to be cultivated. The world can’t put eating on hold until this all goes away. We as an industry must keep working. The animals, our livelihood, and the world depend on it.

In the words of the great Paul Harvey, “And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker.’ So God made a farmer.” Even amongst great chaos, confusion and panic, stewards of the land will continue to care and provide.

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