Agriculture represents the best of us all.

Shane Bell
Shane Bell

Wyoming has graced us with its first taste of winter. However, there was a recent snow storm in South Dakota that wasn’t nearly as pleasant as the one we had here; in fact, it was a disaster. Around 60,000 cattle perished during the storm that left certain parts of South Dakota blanketed in a thick sheet of snow. I tried to put myself in the shoes of these producers. What were they thinking? What would I do? Growing up in an agricultural community I myself had faced hardships, and I had seen those around me go through similar issues. In fact, Agriculturists in all fields of agriculture have had to deal with some degree of disaster, and they always seemed to find a way out of their predicament. When I look at the options after something of this magnitude has taken place I always seem to come down to two choices: I can give up, or I can persevere. Sure, it’s always easier to give in, and unfortunately sometimes that’s the only option available. However, when it comes to standing and fighting for something you love or something you have worked your entire life to achieve, an Agriculturist will never back down. It’s just something in our DNA, something that makes us look directly in the eyes of adversity without blinking, something that keeps us going even when the odds are slim. The work ethic of an Agriculturist is unmatchable. The pride that Agriculturists have in their work and the satisfaction that comes with their professions is more than enough to keep them moving past disasters and hard times. I have faith in the South Dakota cattle ranchers. If there is even the slightest chance of recapturing what was lost, these men and women will fight and give everything they have in order to do that. I know that those hardworking people love what they do. Agriculture fosters a great work ethic, a strong sense of pride in ownership, and above all, it produces the hard working men and women that keep not only our country but the world clothed and nourished. I would like to leave you with a quote from Zack Wamp: “Agriculture was the first manufacturing industry in America and represents the best of us all.”

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