Amidst the Holiday Season

Bailey Hallwachs
Bailey Hallwachs

The end of the school year is winding down. Students are preparing for finals, wrapping up projects, and stress levels are high. However, amidst the busy season it is important to take a moment of reflection. This past school semester has been such a meaningful experience for me living and working as a Resident Assistant. Every day I have the opportunity to help those navigate the waters of college during their freshman year. Not only do we as RAs try to assist in making their experience the best, we also help them through those difficult times. This semester alone I have helped several students prepare for tests, run through presentations, provide tutoring services, meet with their professors and essentially anything I can do to support them academically. In addition, to balance out that hard work I put together a multitude of events so they have the opportunity to explore their interests. The events I put together include: touring chicken coops in Laramie (Tour de Coop), work at ACRES student farm (workdays and compost runs), attend Women Leadership Conference, write postcards/letters to family or friends, run the Veterans 5K, etc. It sounds like a lot and believe me it is! It has been a challenge to balance my time with them, to normal work duties and be successful at my personal academics. But I have pulled through and wouldn’t trade what I experienced this semester for anything. I am thankful for both the good and the challenging moments that have come to pass. I have seen students in their first year in college begin to develop into adulthood and it’s a pretty exciting experience. Additionally, I have two amazing supervisors and several co-workers who have pulled the team along supporting one another and supporting our residents.
To all students, professors and staff; Take a moment of reflection on this past semester. Think of all the good and challenging moments that have brought you to this day. And I wish you all Happy Holidays and Good luck on/through finals!

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