The “Scares” of College

With Halloween coming up next week it has made me think of all the “scares” of college I’ve experienced over the past three years.  The initial “scares” of what if I don’t like my major or will I make new friends were ever present thoughts as I came to the University of Wyoming as a … Read more

Five Months Down Under

Hard to believe how fast five months can pass. It seems like just yesterday I was making lists of things that I had to pack and planning on what books I wanted to read on the plane. At this point, the entire experience of living and studying abroad feels a bit like a dream. I … Read more

Get Out While You Can!

Yes, you heard that right. The advice I’m giving is to put down that pencil, close that laptop, grab your keys, and get out. Out of your dorm room, apartment, house, really anywhere you have been spending an unnecessary amount of time to where you feel like you could explode of boredom. All too often … Read more

African Antics

One of the greatest experiences I have had in college happened over this past summer. It started the semester prior when I started a job working in a research lab at the Wyoming State Vet Lab. It was a great job through the university that easily fit in with my school schedule. It became more … Read more