Figuring it out

When I started college, I was sure I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I would be a double major in chemical engineering and chemistry, go on to get my Ph. D, and then do something awesome (like winning a Nobel Prize or two. No big deal, right?) Fast forward a few years, and … Read more

It is our job to educate the public.

We live in a truly amazing time, the technology that we have today would have been unbelievable fifty years ago. Technology has allowed American agriculture to increase efficiency and production without major increases in the amount of land that is needed for production. However, the technology that helped to increase production in agriculture has also … Read more

Thank you to deserving recipients

This week celebrated Veteran’s Day. First off, I would like to extend my most sincere appreciation to those who have served this country. Thank you for everything you have done. Veteran’s Day gives us a chance to thank those who have served our country. This got me thinking about other groups that deserve a “thank … Read more