College Life Hacks

It is crazy to think that just two years ago I had just received my acceptance letter to the University of Wyoming. I knew one thing for sure, I was nervous. So for this post, I will share what I wish I had known coming into college. The first lesson I learned was that office … Read more

Fall photo shoot

Fall 2014 Ag Ambassadors Alex Krug, John Lacey, Chris Block, Shane Bell, Jake Chaloupka, Marley Mardock, Brandon Fritz, Rachel Purdy, Bailie Dannels, BJ Bender, Jacob Zumo, Jon Heald, McCall Linke, Callie Wilson, Preston Talbert, Nika Martin, Megan Weisensee, Emilee Brinton, and Nina Burnham Preston Talbert, John Lacey, Jake Chaloupka, Shane Bell, Chris Block, Brandon Fritz … Read more

Scholarship Banquet

On Friday, the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources held its Brand of Excellence Scholarship Banquet. It was amazing to get to meet many of the generous donors and to thank them for all they do for the students. It was also a great way to celebrate the accomplishments of my fellow College of Agriculture … Read more

Fall Memories

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” At this point several of you are confused, “isn’t that a Christmas carol? “Aren’t we rapidly approaching Halloween, not Christmas?” Well to answer both questions, yes, but for myself that “most wonderful time of the year” is associated with fall. I love the season and all of … Read more