McCall’s College Advice List

Read emails get good at writing e-mails Pay attention to bulletin boards Go to sporting events Join the Wild Bunch/Stampede (student athletic fan club) Go to concerts Write thank you notes Try new things Be brave Take calculated risks Go into as many buildings as possible Don’t wear sweatpants to class Live with good roommates … Read more

Take a walk for a study break

With finals approaching, most of you will be very busy studying and working on projects. While this is important, remember to take time to relax and enjoy life for a minute. This will not only make you feel better, but it will also help your retention of the material you are studying. So the next … Read more

A fishing story

It’s October, and if I’m being honest it’s earlier than I really want to be awake on a Saturday. But I’ve made plans, so I shrug of my blankets and forgo the warmth of my sheets in favor of the Folgers percolating in my kitchen. The coffee leaves little bathtub-rings as the level crawls down … Read more

The Direction I was Looking for

I entered the University of Wyoming with an undeclared major. I simply wasn’t sure of what I wanted to study or what future career I wanted to pursue. During my very first semester of college I took a Principles of Microeconomics course from a faculty member in the Ag & Applied Economics department, which, unexpectedly, … Read more