Bounties of Fall

Brekke Peterson
Brekke Peterson
As the weather begins to smell crispy and public lands fill with the sight of hunters in orange I realize it is time to put up the garden. This year was a trial in gardening in Saratoga. Many people (I appreciate your advice) gave me tips on growing plants in Saratoga and they indicated that no matter how optimistic I might be about bok choy, okra, cucumbers and tomatillos my positive attitude wouldn’t make them grow! Well I must say each one of those veggies grew and grew well. I ate stir fry from my garden with bok choy, onions, peas, carrots and beans in it. I got two lots of tomatillos. I am also proud to say that I got three pint jars of pickled okra. More importantly the cucumbers did well. This was quite beneficial because I have a love of dill pickles and cannot seem to ever have enough. Reading books on pickling items I came across fermented pickles and gave it a shot this year….FANTASTIC is all I have to say! I didn’t have to wait six months to eat the bounty only six days and the crock full of pickles didn’t last very long! I am waiting for one more colander of cucumbers to ferment before the snow flies.

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