Broaden your Network, Go to Job Fairs

Preston Talbert
Preston Talbert

Hello everyone,

As we all know that this year has started off very fast and we are already a third of the way done with the semester. We have been very busy at the College of Ag due to Ag Appreciation weekend, Dean’s Dinner and many more events. Although we are getting caught up in school and many activities, it is still important to keep in mind the future of your schooling and life.

If you are an incoming freshman, or a senior about to graduate, knowing what the future could bring is important. Once school is over, most of us will have to make a decision on where to work after college. Some advice, for those who have no idea, is to extend your personal network. Job fairs are an excellent place to start for that. When we have job fairs held on campus, find time to talk to every booth or company that you would possibly have interest working for. Exchange contact info and make sure they know that this is a possibility for them and yourself. Chances are if they are not directly hiring, they could refer you to a company, or refer a company to you.

That is my quick advice for finding the career path that you are looking for. Broadening your personal network is one of the best ways to be in contact with the career field you are looking for. Best of luck through this year and the many years to come!

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