Summer Begins for an Agroecology Major

Bailey Hallwachs
Bailey Hallwachs

“You don’t have a garden just for yourself.  You have it to share.”
–  Augusta Carter

Hello, my name is Bailey Hallwachs. I am a recent addition and very proud to represent the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources as an Agriculture Ambassador.

I share the quote above because it both represents what I am pursuing in life but also is a reflection to me the meaning behind the role of Ag Ambassador.  We share with the broader public what this particular department represents. As a garden is imbued with life, flourishing and ever changing as to is the College of Agriculture. A garden is a source of sustenance and inspiration imbibed with knowledge and cohesive connections of a complex ecosystem. So too is the College of Ag from the internal foundations of administration, donors and business to the educators through professors to students and those who maintain the durability of our sanctuary.

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Opportunities and Experiences

McCall Linke
McCall Linke

It’s another year of life in the books.  I turn twenty this week.  Wow—two whole decades old!   In all of my many years of life, I believe college is where I have flourished.  I’m a sophomore this year and it will be one year since I’ve been a member of Ag Ambassadors.  This is my most favorite organization that I’m a part of.  It is exactly what I want to do.

I chose my major, Ag Communications, because I enjoy talking, promoting and advertising, plus I love agriculture.  Put my two passions together and what do you get?  The right major for me.  Ag Ambassadors, puts my studies into action.  I like the saying “Promote what you love, instead of bashing what you hate.”  Ag Ambassadors is an ambassadorship for Wyoming, The University of Wyoming, The College of Ag and Natural Resources, and Agriculture.  I fell in love with all these things so following through with promotion comes easy.  The College of Ag and Natural Resources is home to areas of study as well as other departments.  It houses UW extension which is dear to my heart because 4-H played such a pivotal role in my youth.  It also is home to the rodeo team, although I do not compete I cherish the world of rodeo.

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Wow What a Spring Semester!

Wow what a spring semester!  I am finishing up my last field season for my dissertation and cannot believe the weather.  The moisture we have received is certainly a blessing but makes getting into the field to sample a little difficult.  This semester as a College of Ag grad. student has been busy with many activities for school, Ag ambassadors and personally.

I continue to take field samples for soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in alfalfa/grass hay production systems.  The data is beginning to look quite interesting as I compile it for publication purposes.  I am finding my extensive course load in statistics to be very helpful during data processing!  Luckily classes end this semester for course work to free up time for other endeavors.

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