Finding Who You are in Agriculture

When I first stepped foot on the University of Wyoming, my homesick freshman self had two goals in mind: to graduate with a degree in Agriculture Business Management and to get back home to my family’s irrigation business to work. But after three years here, two years with the Ag Ambassadors, and many other personal … Read more

Hurry Up and Wait

Since high school I have been focused on one thing, getting into veterinary school. I spent those four years stressing over getting a B on a test, joining every club I could that I thought would look good on a resume, and neglecting things that I did just for fun. I put so much focus … Read more

The Chaos of Agriculture

We live in a society of box checkers. Graduate high school; check. Attend college; check. Get a job; check. Safe enough to retire; check. Life is full of expectations and things that we are supposed to do. But let’s be honest; no one checks boxes in ag. In fact, more often than not, when it … Read more

PAWtnerships 🐾

Community. There is so much meaning and potential for growth, progress, and mutual support in that word. Throughout my time here at the University of Wyoming, I have been continuously supported by the College of Ag community, the border campus community as well as the general Laramie community. I would not be where I am … Read more

Be Present

From personal experience, it can be easy to lose sight of what drives the basis of your actions. With the world relentlessly changing, it can be overwhelming to construct a to-do list, much less give your full attention to every obligation. Taking a few minutes to remove yourself from the world is essential to evaluate … Read more