College And All It Has To Offer

Nika Martin
Nika Martin

Hello Everyone!  As we are in the midst of midterms and the school year is beginning to become hectic I just want to remind everyone that college isn’t all stress and exams.  There is so much that the College of Ag and Natural Resources has to offer and well as our university in general.  Don’t get bogged down with the stress that comes with pursuing a higher education and remember all the wonderful opportunities that you have in front of you.  They are so many wonderful options to take a break from the hectic college life such as studying abroad, internships, clubs and organizations, speakers, fun activities, along many more.  Take time to enjoy what is all around you and remember that college isn’t only about getting a degree.  It’s about exploring the world around you and in turn finding yourself along the way.  College can be one of the best times of your life as long as you take time to make it that way.

Good Luck on all your midterms, and remember to take advantage of everything that is offered to you!

Nika Martin

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