Coming to a Close

Lyndi Speiser
Lyndi Speiser
Just when we thought spring had sprung, old man winter reared his head again! Although there is still a nip of winter in the air, longer days and periodical days of warmth give us hope that spring and a long awaited summer may be on the way. Around the state, agriculturalists are gearing up for or braving calving, lambing, shearing, and irrigating. With the invitation of the new and the hope for a good summer, I reflect upon the past and my career as a student at the University of Wyoming. With my collegiate life drawing to a close, I am both anxious and excited for the future. The experiences I have gained here are next to none. From processing rams to AI-ing cows, from the Denver Stock Show to participating on the rodeo and the ranch horse team, this university has given me a broad and diverse chance to develop and learn new skills. After a fulfilling undergraduate career, I was then able to join a master’s program in the Animal Science Department and advance myself as a researcher. With this program, I was able to travel nationally and interact with other researchers from across the nation and the world. Professors who drove me to succeed and clubs that challenged me to grow have made a profound impact on my life. With these experiences, I had the unique opportunity to make close friends with students, faculty, and staff, as well as making connections in the community, around the state, and around the nation, which will facilitate me as I move forward. Words cannot express how thankful I am to have had the chance to immerse myself in this town, this college, and this state.

As you stress midterms and look forward to a much needed break, I would also encourage you to take a moment and reflect upon your experience at the University of Wyoming. Some experiences may be better than others, but everything you are doing is shaping you into the person you will become. Enjoy the time you are spending in college, enjoy the people you are meeting, and the knowledge you are gaining. Time flies and before you know it you will be facing the “real world”. Good luck with midterms and happy spring break!

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