Deer Capture–Hands on Experience

Emilee Britton
Emilee Britton

I hope that everyone is having a fantastic semester so far! This semester is keeping me busy, but I am absolutely loving my classes (Well… most of them anyway). My favorite class this semester is Wildlife Diseases. The class focuses on the intricate relationship between people and wildlife for overall health.

Earlier this month, my class members and I, received the opportunity to assist with a deer capture in Douglas, WY for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) research through the Wildlife Diseases class. It was an eye opening and incredible hands-on experience, not to mention a very cold one. We left Laramie at 4:15 AM to arrive in Douglas by 6:30 AM. Once we arrived there, we convoyed out to the research site. After the deer were carefully brought in via helicopter (Umm… New career idea?!), I personally helped with blood and tissue sampling, monitoring vitals, recording data, and recovering the deer from sedation. By the end of the day, I was chilled to the bone, covered from head to toe in dirt and grime, and overflowing with enthusiasm for my major.

I am continually amazed and blessed by how excellent of a job the COANR in providing hands-on opportunities for students to learn skillsets that they will be using in future careers. Experiences like the deer capture remind me why I am here and drive me to give my education my all.

Go Pokes!

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