My name is Wade Allnutt and I am from Walden, Colorado about an hour southwest of Laramie. I grew up on a ranch and hope to one day own/operate my own ranch. My course of study at the University of Wyoming has been Ag Business with an Animal Science minor. I work at the Animal Science Meat Lab, experiencing the whole process of animal slaughter, fabrication, processing and sales. I was a member of the Intercollegiate Meat Judging Team and am a member of Food Science Club.

With the semester coming to an end and finals just next week, it has been a busy (but good) week for me here at the University of Wyoming. Besides the usual homework and studying for tests, I had a busy week at my job. I have worked at the Animal Science Meat Lab on campus for the last three years. We slaughter cattle, sheep, and hogs; all animals are used for classes such as the FDSC 2040 a class were animals are evaluated before and after slaughter, and FDSC 3550 meat evaluation. Students who take 3550 have the opportunity to join the Intercollegiate Meat Judging Team and travel to contests all across the country! Students like me who work at the meat lab help with everything from slaughter to fabrication and processing , to sales where are product is sold to the public. In preparation for finals for the afore mentioned classes, we slaughtered 5 beef, 5 lambs, and 7 hogs this last Tuesday making for a pretty long day but a good day. Yesterday, we spent a great deal of time in the afternoon cutting carcasses down into primal cuts classes for the Cowboy Classic Meat Judging Contest which is the final for FDSC 3550. Today students are busy participating in that contest.
For those of you interested in going to school at the University of Wyoming , I strongly encourage you to come and take a tour, we can even show you around the meat lab if you want. The opportunities that this school has to offer are endless and are just waiting for you to take advantage of them!!!!
Wade Allnutt
University of Wyoming College of Ag Ambassador