Hard to believe how fast five months can pass. It seems like just yesterday I was making lists of things that I had to pack and planning on what books I wanted to read on the plane. At this point, the entire experience of living and studying abroad feels a bit like a dream. I could never have predicted the adventures that I would have, or have foreseen the changes I would undergo as a person throughout the experience. A few people have already asked me what my biggest takeaway or most memorable experience was, and at this point I don’t know if I could decide. I remember the heat of the first few weeks the most. It was incredibly stifling and hot when I first stepped off of the plane, and I distinctly remember the feeling of simultaneously melting and boiling at the same time. I had so many hopes and dreams and expectation at that point of what I was expecting to get out of the experience. The most rewarding experience I had, by far, was my work at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. I learned more about native wildlife in Australia than I thought was possible and I gained experience only solidified my drive to become a veterinarian.
Australia also caused me to push the boundaries of my comfort zone. I tried clubbing and going to social events in complete contrast to my normal routine for a night out. While I still don’t feel comfortable living in that lifestyle, at least I can say that I tried it and didn’t like it. I also learned to adapt to a different teaching and grading dynamic than I am used to. It taught me a lot about myself as a student, and hopefully will give me an edge when I (hopefully) attend veterinary school in a year. I tried, and loved, scuba diving (although learning on the Great Barrier Reef may have skewed my perception) and I realized that I am not cut out to be a surfer. I went hiking above the city, rock-climbing along the Brisbane River, and flew in a helicopter over Sydney. Along the way I gained friends that I know I will have forever, and even managed to learn a lot through my classes in university.
-Corinne Vaughan