Go the extra mile, even if it’s 425 miles away…

More often than not, I am much too focused on what’s going on around me. Whether it’s about upcoming projects, tests, staying active in RSO’s, my part-time job, or making plans to spend Saturday nights in downtown Laramie, a lot of times I am caught up in my day-to-day schedule. I think this happens to all of us, especially when we’re juggling a million different responsibilities. In fact, a lot of us end up missing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities because of that, including myself.

I had considered applying for the NILE (Northern International Livestock Exposition) Internship for quite a while after the applications opened, but had given up on the idea. NILE Interns volunteer 10 days of the month of October to help staff members run their annual stock shows and rodeos. While it sounded like a blast to work behind-the-scenes at such a prestigious affair, I couldn’t wrap my head around missing a week and a half of school, especially during midterms. At the time I was enrolled in 18 upper-division credit hours with a full schedule on my plate, and it wasn’t until I received a Facebook message from one of the NILE staff members about applying (whom I had known before she graduated from the UW College of Ag) that I truly weighed the pros and cons.

Even though I would be gone a full ten days from my already cram-packed schedule, I finally decided to send in an application. What is the worst that can happen? Even though UW faculty are (usually) more than willing to provide flexible curriculums for students with ‘approved absences,’ class grades truly suffer from missing so many consecutive days. Even so, letting my grades slip a little is far less important than gaining valuable hands-on experience and strong networks in the grand scheme of life. Many college graduates fail to find substantial jobs when they leave not because of their grades but because of their lack of ‘experience.’ Furthermore, in many career fields “it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know.” By interning for NILE staff members as well as collaborating with 8 other interns from across the western region, I can only imagine the connections and opportunities bound to arise upon graduation. After submitting my application, I waited a full week before hearing the news that I was selected as a 2016 NILE Intern.

Long story short, don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. Don’t make the mistake that I had been making for far too long… steering clear of rigorous but hugely impactful experiences that are only available to us during our time at college. Going the extra mile during college sometimes seems far-fetched and out of the question. The ‘extra mile’ is really only temporarily available while we’re in college, however, and shouldn’t be passed up. As Thomas Edison said, “Opportunity is mihighwayssed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” The next time you’re faced with an invaluable life-experience, think about going the ‘extra mile’ and see where it takes you. The opportunities will be endless.

-Eilish Hanson

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