Have you got a case of the studying blues?

I know that it is early in the semester but I for one am already not looking forward to the amount of studying I have to do this week, let alone throughout the semester. One thing I have learned over the past year is to get out and study. It is so easy to stay in and study but sometimes a change of scenery can really help in motivating you to finish your work.

Laramie has tons of neat places to go and camp out while you study. Turtle Rock, Coal Creek and The Night Heron are a few of my favorite places to go, grab a treat, maybe meet up with some friends and get down to business. Most of the time I can get a lot of work done much quicker when I go out somewhere than when I sit around at home. Other times I don’t get a lot done but even then it is not a wasted trip because I get to hang out with my friends or have some time to myself and take a mental break/recharge from school.

If going out to study isn’t really your style, don’t worry! There are some really neat places that you can go on campus to get your studying done. The Enzi S.T.E.M. building is a wonderful place to study in groups or on your own, as well as the Library. However, if you prefer a quieter environment to work in, I would suggest settling in at the computer jwlab or student lounge in the Ag. Building. These areas don’t attract as many students as the S.T.E.M building and Library do, so it tends to be a quieter and calmer area to study. There are many other nooks to study in around campus; you just have to do a little exploring to find them!

Over the years I have noticed that a change of scenery can make all the difference in the world when I am trying to get things done. Laramie is a great town to hang out and study in, if you are ever feeling stressed or overwhelmed with school work go check it out! You can bring some work with you or you can just get out there and have an adventure discovering something new. Life is what you make it, so you might as well make it awesome!

-Jemma Woods

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