Home Away From Home


The college of Agriculture has amazing people who are compassionate, understanding and good listeners. I don’t suffer from homesickness because I am at home away from home. The faculty and staff are wonderful mentors, advisors, friends not to mention parents. My fellow students have been wonderful brothers, sisters and friends. I have experienced overwhelming love and hospitality from members of this community. Other than humans as a resource, the college of Agriculture has many other resources that students can greatly benefit from including, scholarships, paid internships, jobs, research opportunities and various clubs. I highly recommend any person considering higher education to join one of our many degrees and graduate programs in the College of Agriculture. You will never regret, rather you will always count your blessings just the way I do.

The University of Wyoming as a whole has a friendly and warm climate. I enjoy every single day of my life. Wyoming as a state has a glamorous, natural beauty. Talk of the splendid breath taking mountains and the deep canyons! Talk of the beautiful wild animals among them; moose, deer, antelopes, squirrels not to mention prairie dogs that are always playing magic with the soil! I bet they have taken some pedology classes. Whenever I take a hike to the mountains, I look at the wild flowers in spring, I stare at the colorful sun as it disappears in the clouds, I feel the breeze. I stop and wonder what God was thinking when He created Wyoming, beautiful Wyoming!

– Rael Otuya

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