I think I can, I think I can

Katie Jacobs
Katie Jacobs

Turkey, cranberries, green bean casserole, and that delicious pumpkin pie is about all I can think about as Thanksgiving inches nearer. Although the holidays and end of the semester are within sight at the end of the tunnel, I know that many students, myself included, still have what seems like a mountain of tests to study for, projects to present, and papers to write. It can be stressful and discouraging to think of how much you still have to get done in such a short period of time. For that reason, I would like to share my mother’s tried and true advice. Here it is, “close your eyes, take a deep breath, and believe in yourself”, short and sweet. That was, and still is, her favorite thing to tell me when the end of the semester gets near. My mom is eloquent, but Henry Ford said it best, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right”, so keep your chin up, positive thoughts passing through your head, and everything will turn out all right!

Happy almost Thanksgiving everyone,


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