It feels as though Spring has sprung!

Emily Lindly
Emily Lindly
It feels as though Spring has sprung! With the time change this past weekend, I am finding myself loving more hours of daylight and the gorgeous weather we have been having in Laramie! It always makes walking around campus so enjoyable when you have the sunshine on your face and a light breeze through your hair. Although, I know winter is probably far from over, I am going to soak up and enjoy all that I can while it lasts. It is almost Spring Break, just one more week and we can all enjoy a little much needed R & R! There are many evident clues that it is almost Spring Break as the Half-Acre gym is packed full of students trying to get into shape, the motivation level seems a bit low but the spirits remain high! I am looking forward to having a nice little break. However, it is unbelievable that it is mid-terms. As a senior graduating in May, I am beginning to struggle with the fact that my undergraduate degree is coming to a close. The familiarity of walking around campus seeing friendly faces, the comfort of routine and the overall feeling of something great coming to an end is a very interesting feeling. I want to move on and try new things and meet new people but I will always remember the experiences I had here and the people I have met. The best advice I could give is don’t wish the days away for better days ahead. The time will pass anyways. Enjoy where you’re at and be excited for what is yet to be. Have a great week to whatever brave souls have decided to read this 🙂

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