Keeping Doors Open

Preston Talbert
Preston Talbert

When deciding on what we want to do with our future, we tend to be narrow minded and have our minds set on one desired outcome. Often, when an opportunity arises and it is not what we want, we decide to push it away and get back on track with what we do want. However, we should not push it away, but keep it in our back pockets for a future option. As I near graduation, I have found that this is more important than ever. I was dead set on being done with school after my undergrad degree and start making money. But when that neared, I was encouraged by a lot of people to pursue a master’s degree. I thought no way, and slammed that door shut. Even though I shut the door, the thought still bounced back and forth in my mind, so I researched the topic. I found out I could pursue higher education while I worked and get the best of both worlds. So, when you come across an opportunity, make sure you keep it in mind and don’t discard it immediately, because quite often that is the path that you end up taking.


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