Making the Most out of Your College Experience

Of course we are all here to ultimately leave with a degree (or two… if you’re really on top of things), but college has so much more to offer than the “school” experience. Unlike high school, where everyone is there because they have too, you chose to go to college. You have agreed to pay for classes that will earn you the degree of your choice, if you pass. So don’t totally blow off the “school” part of college, BUT also get involved with outside activities. Not only will getting involved look good on your resumé down the road, it also has so many benefits. You will make friends, develop connections, and make yourself feel more at home. You spend the majority of the year in school, so making Laramie your new home will help you stay sane in the midst of all the chaos college can bring. So how do I get involved? Start by recognizing your passions and go from there. For me, I ride and compete in ranch horse versatility, and believe it or not, we have a Ranch Horse Team here at the University. I also love promoting agriculture, and that’s how I found Ag Ambassadors. There are so many RSOs (Recognized Student Organizations) that are always excited to have new members.  You can also look for posters around the Union and Colleges, there’s always opportunities to get involved on campus. So go out there and join a club, make friends, and enjoy your college experience!

-Mackenzie Holmberg


Mackenzie Holmberg

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