Manuscript Writing


Brekke Peterson
Brekke Peterson

Outline, write, reference, edit and then edit and then edit some more!  This is the fun of manuscript writing!  It is funny to think that when I took English 1010 at Sheridan College in 2001 that I would reuse my English textbook to finesse my scientific writing manuscript skills!  The process does help to better understand the research I have put my heart and soul into in the last three years but the editing is the most tedious part!  I find myself writing a sentence that sounds great initially but as soon as I say it out loud the meaning is lost or the true subject is hidden amidst scientific jargon.  When writing a manuscript editors indicate they want to hear the writer’s (scientist’s) voice but since science writing is simplistic and dry it is hard to embed one’s personality in it.  I find after the fifth iteration of a sentence my voice is gone and sometimes the original meaning has left too!  It is key to start with a solid outline where the key ideas are laid out and stick to it.  Some people prefer this manuscript writing part of a project; I prefer the field and lab work leading up to writing.  Soon the current manuscript will be conquered and I will find a better method to editing.

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