McCall’s College Advice List

McCall Linke
McCall Linke
Read emails
get good at writing e-mails
Pay attention to bulletin boards
Go to sporting events
Join the Wild Bunch/Stampede (student athletic fan club)
Go to concerts
Write thank you notes
Try new things
Be brave
Take calculated risks
Go into as many buildings as possible
Don’t wear sweatpants to class
Live with good roommates
Be a good roommate
Take care of yourself
Make good friends
Don’t be too quick to be bff’s with someone
Learn from your mistakes
Cheer–Have school pride
Participate in contests
Go to class
Hold doors open for people
Don’t park in driveways
Get free food
Learn how to be alone
Don’t be worry (too much) about what other people think of you
Don’t play the comparison game
Set up boundaries
Sit in the “magic T zone”
Have male and female friends
Don’t cut off your family
Go to church
Learn how to engage in small talk
Don’t leave hair on the shower wall
Take out the trash
Put away dishes
Take pictures but don’t be overly absorbed in it
Be an ambiguous planner
Learn how to date
Tell people how you feel/what you want–don’t beat around the bush and try to tell them what they want to hear
Know that long distance relationships are difficult
sliced apples are good for hangovers
Drink lots of water
Learn how to apologize and do it
Don’t burn bridges
let things go
clean up after yourself
invest in good shoes
walk around downtown
shop local
Don’t work too much–it makes you old
Use lotion/sunscreen
Go to office hours before the last half of the semester

4 most important life skills:
Riding a bike

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