Giving Thanks in Song

Sami Jo Heitsch
Sami Jo Heitsch
“What does the fox say….I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL…It’s going down, I’m yelling TIMBER!”
With finals coming to a close, there is one thing that keeps me going – MUSIC! Whether I am singing something in my head, blaring Pandora in my house, or walking to class with headphones on, I have found that music keeps me motivated. Through these next couple weeks of final projects, finals, and praying I get the A I am hoping for, this bible verse fits perfectly with my love of music and my love for The Lord.
Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.
With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, it is easy to think about all of the things in this world I am thankful for. I am thankful for my wonderful family, my loving boyfriend, my joyful friends, my precious animals, my good health, and the strength that my Lord gives me every day to take on the world with a smile on my face and a tune in my head.
Recently I attended a conference that a guest speaker shared with us how important it is to speak with words of kindness and to be thankful for what you have in your life. He described to us how important this is because of a fight he witnessed between a father and his son. The father was angry and frustrated about financials in their family business and he told his son he wished he would have never been born. That night, the son took his life. This may be an extreme situation, but it illustrates how important it is to share with your family every day how much you love them and are thankful to have them in your life.
We all have blessings in our lives that come in different shapes and sizes. It is easy to get caught up in our BUSY lives and forget about all of the things we should be thankful for! I challenge everyone to make 2014 a year of giving thanks every day. Don’t wait until November to realize all of the blessings you have in your life. Enjoy them and give thanks.
All good gifts around us
Are sent from heaven above,
Then thank the Lord,
O thank the Lord
For all His love.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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