Applicable Research

Spring semester has taken my research within Microbiology to an applied level. I have had a valuable experience this semester in a Capstone research course. This course allows for a small group of students to formulate an individualized approach and apply research to a community level. I have not only learned microbiological laboratory technique, but … Read more

The Final Stretch

Spring Break has come and gone. We are now entering the final stretch of the spring semester. It is hard to believe how fast the semester has progressed. I remember being told that times goes by faster the older you get and I can now say that I understand. The first part of this semester … Read more

busy busy

Wow! Where did this semester go? I can’t believe that it’s almost April and I am getting ready to complete my sophomore year here at the University of Wyoming! This year has really been packed with activities and events. I have enjoyed my first year as an Ag Ambassador and have appreciated the opportunities that … Read more

Coming to a Close

Just when we thought spring had sprung, old man winter reared his head again! Although there is still a nip of winter in the air, longer days and periodical days of warmth give us hope that spring and a long awaited summer may be on the way. Around the state, agriculturalists are gearing up for … Read more