Cheyenne East High School Visit

A group of Ag Ambassadors from UW traveled over to Cheyenne to talk to high school students at Cheyenne East High School about the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The ambassadors that went were Claire Dinneen, a junior studying Molecular Biology, McCall Linke, a junior studying Ag Communications, Sami Jo Heitsch, a senior studying … Read more

Vet Lab Experience

As midterms draw near all of us are getting ready for midterms exams and probably getting a bad case of spring fever! I know I can’t wait for spring break and I have a feeling the other students feel the same way. As mid-semester approaches, I am inclined to think about just one of the … Read more

The Butcher Life

Working in the Meat Lab on campus is more than just a job, it’s a lifestyle. Not only does my knowledge of critters on the farm play into this lifestyle, but also when the carcass is hanging on the rail, there is significant knowledge that should be used to understand every little science piece of … Read more

Deer Capture–Hands on Experience

Howdy! I hope that everyone is having a fantastic semester so far! This semester is keeping me busy, but I am absolutely loving my classes (Well… most of them anyway). My favorite class this semester is Wildlife Diseases. The class focuses on the intricate relationship between people and wildlife for overall health. Earlier this month, … Read more