Looking back…

Do you remember what it was like trying to decide what college you were going to attend? For me, it seems like it was just yesterday. This weekend I was lucky enough to have another first hand look at the experience. Discovery Days includes a number of events designed to introduce visitors to the UW … Read more

Discovery Days

One of the duties of Ag Ambassadors is to help with Discovery Days. Here Josh, Alex, McCall, Megan, Emilee and Jessica pose on the stage in the Ag Auditorium after answering questions from high school students and their parents during the academic session of Discovery Days. During the academic session the Ag Ambassadors present a … Read more

Winter Ending Excitement

What a spring semester it’s been so far! We’ve had some cold days, but it’s starting to warm up now. And with that change, other personal changes is coming for me. This semester I am on the UW Meat Judging Team. As a team we’ve had a great semester so far placing 5th at the … Read more


When I made the transition from high school to college, I kept hearing things like “college isn’t just about the grades” and “the school work is important but so are new experiences.” Well, now being a junior and looking back 3 years ago, I definitely took that to heart my first semester here at UW, … Read more