Spring Reflection

There is always a time in one’s college career that graduation looms. Spring 2014 is my semester to finish all of those projects and writing I must do for my dissertation and prepare for the “real world” adventure. When I moved to Laramie I couldn’t wait for this semester to come but now that it … Read more


2013 is almost over, this is the time to reflect and remember all that has happened. In January I took the Elements of Leadership class taught by Dean Frank Galey and Doug Stark. An insightful and motivational class, I highly recommend enrolling in it. Shortly after that I became the chairwoman for Ag Ambassadors. In … Read more

Amidst the Holiday Season

The end of the school year is winding down. Students are preparing for finals, wrapping up projects, and stress levels are high. However, amidst the busy season it is important to take a moment of reflection. This past school semester has been such a meaningful experience for me living and working as a Resident Assistant. … Read more

Giving Thanks in Song

“What does the fox say….I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL…It’s going down, I’m yelling TIMBER!” With finals coming to a close, there is one thing that keeps me going – MUSIC! Whether I am singing something in my head, blaring Pandora in my house, or walking to class with headphones on, I have found … Read more

Helping with Discovery Days

This week I had the opportunity to help at the University’s discovery days. I loved the opportunity to help potential students find their way and make important decisions about their futures. I also learned a lot about the other Ag. Ambassadors and opportunities that I didn’t even know that the College offered. I love all … Read more