A Tea Pot

Pick a tea pot. Any tea pot you want. There are big ones, small ones, colored ones, plain ones, you can pick any of them. This was the very question I was faced with this summer. Yes, it seems trivial, but it was just the beginning of the many life decisions I was going to … Read more


As this fall semester rapidly draws to a close, I start to look back on the things I have learned. Its more than just the reactions in organic chemistry or the equations in physics, it’s about the real world lessons that have changed my path in life. The one message that consistently sticks in my … Read more

The Finishing of a Chapter

November. I can hardly believe that it is November already. There has been so much going on, so much to do this semester that September and October seemed almost nonexistent. From classes to Range Club to Ag Ambassadors, I have always had something to do and occupy my interest and time. As the time is … Read more

Active Members

The Friday of UW homecoming Ag Ambassadors helped serve Breakfast on the Lawn. Each of the colleges were represented at this event to give free breakfast items to UW students in the spirit of homecoming. Ag Ambassadors talked with other students, alumni and faculty that chilly morning. Pictured is Mandy O’Donnell, Kailin McClung and Marley … Read more