PAWtnerships 🐾

Community. There is so much meaning and potential for growth, progress, and mutual support in that word. Throughout my time here at the University of Wyoming, I have been continuously supported by the College of Ag community, the border campus community as well as the general Laramie community. I would not be where I am … Read more

Be Present

From personal experience, it can be easy to lose sight of what drives the basis of your actions. With the world relentlessly changing, it can be overwhelming to construct a to-do list, much less give your full attention to every obligation. Taking a few minutes to remove yourself from the world is essential to evaluate … Read more

Being Involved at UW: 3 Reasons Why

1. The opportunities. Being involved can open many doors, such as a job and internship opportunity. In my first semester at UW, I started a job in the Animal Science department as an office assistant. Not only has that allowed me to help pay for my school, but the people and connections I’ve made along … Read more

Bucking the Norm

In my final year here at the University of Wyoming, I have been asked a multitude of questions, but the one I have been asked the most is where I am applying to vet school. Everyone automatically assumes that just because I have a major in Animal and Veterinary Science, with a Pre-Vet concentration, that … Read more