Get Involved!

As my last semester of college comes to a close, and I’m not able to do some of things I loved to do so much in past years, I keep thinking of things I wish I would have known or done as a younger student. There are simple things, like go to as many sports … Read more

Unknown to Agriculture

When you hear the word Wyoming many people think of a country bumpkin who only cares about farming and ranching. After telling people you go to the University of Wyoming, they often ask why you would choose such a school, but unbeknown to them, the University of Wyoming is more than just a school that … Read more

Make the Move

It was April of my senior year of high school and I worked for my county fair. One early Saturday morning we were tagging in steers and a bunch of us seniors were talking about our plans for the following fall. I shared my plan to go to a junior college in Central California to … Read more

Coming to UW in the Real World

This one goes out to those of you coming into the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources virtually. I feel for you. Due to the current state of the world, your first semester (at least) at the University of Wyoming is being spent behind a computer screen. This is a challenge I never had to … Read more

Ag will always be essential

When I graduated high school, I was at a dinner party with friends and family to celebrate the event. A classmate’s grandfather and I began to talk, and he asked me about my plans for the future. I explained to him that I was attending the University of Wyoming to study Agriculture Business (which has … Read more