pretty soon you’ll find yourself at graduation

Katie Richardson
Katie Richardson
With graduation right around the corner I have started to reflect on my college career. Don’t get me wrong there have been ups and downs but I have absolutely loved my time at the University of Wyoming. I have made connections, made some of my best friends and have truly found myself. From the moment I walked into to the College of Agriculture I knew I had found my place in the world, well at least the college world. And now that it is time for me to leave, I am finding that it is a very bittersweet moment in my life. This college has been home for the last two years, this college has taught me how to think like a business person, how to stand on my own two feet, how to communicate my thoughts and ideas and more importantly this college gave me purpose. I can only hope that those who come after me feel the same why about the college and university that I have come to love. So my challenge to all the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and even the seniors (it is not too late) is to experience all that college has to offer, get involved, and find yourself because pretty soon you will find yourself at graduation wondering what is to come. And if you succeed you will not be afraid but excited because the you will know the College of Agriculture, the staff and all the professors will have prepared you to make your own mark on the world and to shine.

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